Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blast From the Past

I have a PDBio test to study for, so naturally, I needed to find some way to procrastinate.. I've been going through pictures from our wedding slideshow. I just LOVE Jonny's baby pictures. He was (and still is) so cute! Here is a glimpse of Jonny and I growing up...

His bath.

Her bath.

All boy.

All girl.

All smiles.

All.... weird :)

A cheerleader.

A golfer.

In love :)

Friday, May 21, 2010


That's what needs to exist in a marriage where the husband comes home from work and the wife says: "Hey honey, I bought a 3-piece couch set tonight. We're picking it up on Monday."

Well... that's what happened! On Saturday night while Jonny was I work I went to my parents house. We stopped at Smith's to get some things and I saw a beautiful microfiber couch set. I fell in love. I couldn't call Jonny because he was at work, so I just made a quick decision and bought it. To be fair, it was over 1/2 off!

The problem is that we live in a cozy little apartment, so they don't all fit :) We left the recliner chair at my parents house, where it will stay til we move. We just have the couches, but even that is still a tight fit!

But it's ok, because we love them! They are so comfy!

Now I just need some cute decorative pillows!

Oh, and don't worry. Jonny was really excited when I told him, and was very proud of me for making a decision on my own, which I hate to do :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mommy Dude

Yep, that's the nickname my brother gave my mom, however many years ago. We call her "MD" for short. Well, Drew does, at least...

There are a few things everyone should know about Gwen Lords.

She is a sucker for a good head rub. It was the only thing I could offer to delay my bed time when I was little. It worked every time.

She is a goofball. She finds the most random things hilarious, and they never get old to her. To this day, Drew can say "Ashley used to have a big head... but then she grew into it" and my mom will laugh even though she's heard it a million times. (Only a select few of you will understand this joke. Consider yourselves lucky)

When we go shopping together and I try on something super cute, she just has to buy it for me. I can't tell you how many times I was told "Don't tell your father"

She has a comeback for everything, and they usually involve inflicting pain upon her children (don't worry, she hasn't followed through on any of them...yet :) )

She is one of the only women I know who will make the whole family sleep over in a parking lot just to be first in line to get beanie babies. True story.

(we told her to "pull a face." She pulled 2...)

She is an awesome crafter. She used to do craft shows, but now is into scrapbooking and card-making. She is dang good at it.

She provides the family with some seriously funny memories... (her famous "bum shake" when she gets up to bat at family baseball, doing leg lifts against the counter..all day long, quoting "did a dingo eat your baby?", during an FHE for investigators Tanner turned on the stereo on accident. My mom's ACDC CD came blasting out of it. Priceless.)

(This is her listening to my dad sing "American Pie" in the car. It was painful for everyone.)

She has the magic touch when it comes to children. They are all drawn to her. Out of all of the wonderful callings she has had, I think the calling she has now is her favorite, and most fitting. She is in the nursery :)

She will do anything in the world for her children. Her life is devoted to family.

She is the greatest example of service. She has such a kind heart, and is constantly blessing the lives of others.

She is completely in tune with the spirit. We know to never question her on things, because she is always right. She always knows what is best for us.

She can always tell when something is wrong, even when we think we are hiding it so well! And she always knows exactly what to say or do to make it better.

She is beautiful. Inside and out.

Happy Mother's Day! I love you mom :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Emergency Room

A couple days ago Jonny woke up with a stiff neck, and it has only been getting worse. Yesterday the pain was so bad that it was making him nauseous and he almost blacked out a few times. His whole head/neck/back froze up and he can't move :( Last night it got even worse. He couldn't sleep and when I woke up at 1 am he said he wanted to go to the hospital.

So off to the ER we went! I knew the poor guy had to be in a lot of pain, because he never complains when he's sick or hurt, but he still felt kinda silly going to the hospital.
This is his sad attempt at a smile...

He had to get a shot in his bum :) He kept saying "you better not get a picture of THAT!" But once the morphine kicked in he said many times "I really wish you would have gotten a picture. You could have put it on the blog..." Yeah, I don't think so...

So, they gave him morphine with Zofran. The Zofran was to relieve the nausea that morphine causes. Well, the morphine had no effect on his pain, and even after 2 more doses of Zofran, he threw up a ton.

The upside of all of this is that I got to witness Jonny on drugs. It was amusing. Here are some of the things he said...

He told me that when he went to the hospital when he was little, they gave him apple juice. So I asked the nurse if they had any and she said she would get him some. He looked at me and goes (in a very slurred, yet offended, voice) "I TOLD you they have apple juice!"
No one was doubting you, Jonny...

He loved the zofran dissolve-in-your-mouth pills they gave him. He raved about how good they were, and asked the nurse what flavor they were (she said she didn't know they were flavored). He kept saying, in a strangely formal tone, "These really are quite delicious" When he got his 2nd pill he popped it in his mouth and yelled "Yeah! Dat's what I'm talkin bout!"

He said "Do you remember when we were dating and we would stay up late and I would get really weird cause I was so tired? This is just like that... but this time I'm on morphine.... AND apple juice..."

He asked if he could drive home. When I said no, he said "fine, but I really don't want to run home."
Don't worry, I didn't make him run home :)

Maybe what he said wasn't that funny, and you just had to be there. Or maybe it was the fact that we didn't get home from the hospital til 5 am and were both super tired. But I thought it was hilarious :)

Well, they took an x-ray and they think it is just a sever muscle spasm. So he's on muscle relaxers, but refuses to take the percocet because he doesn't want to throw up again. It's just weird that this is so painful. We've both had muscle spasms before, and they were nothing like this!

When Jonny woke up this morning he was in even worse pain than he was last night, and he was really nauseous again. I called some guys in our ward to give him a blessing, which they did. One of them even left work to do it! While he's still in pain, he's much better than he was this morning. I am so grateful for that :)